Danish Debut: 1998
- To ryk og en aflevering [Kick and rush], short stories, 1998
Awarded the Best Danish Debutant Award at the Copenhagen Book Fair in 1998
Adapted to a movie by Aage Riis-Nordentoft (manuscript co-written by JWS) in 2004
- Kender du ikke akkusativ? [Do you know the accusative case?], novel, 1999
- Kamelen kom til sidst [And on the last day, God made the camel], children’s picture book with illustrations by Ursula Seeberg, 2000
Adapted to a play by Nørregaards Teater.
- Og havet klapper [Applause from the sea], short stories, 2000
- En-to-tre-NU! [One-two-three-GO!], young adult novel, 2001
Adapted to movie by Rainer Grasten Film
The movie won the Blockbuster Audience Award at Robert Award 2017, 2017
- Pelle Johns engle [Pelle John’s angels], young adult novel, 2002
- Alamo [Alamo], children’s picture book with illustrations by Rasmus Bregnhøi, 2005
- Lidt berømt, meget berygtet’ [A little famous, very infamous], novel, 2006
- Mænd er fra Marstal [Men are from Marstal], short stories, 2007
- Forbrydelse og fodbold [Crime and football], children’s book, 2007
- Fugleskræmslet [The scarecrow], young adult novel, 2007
- Fugleskræmslet II [The scarecrow II], young adult novel, 2008
- Ægte brøker [Proper fractions], young adult novel, 2009
Short-listed for English PENs Best New European Voice in Translation 2015 at The European Literature Night, London, 2015.
- Trælår [Dead leg], short stories, 2009
- Kopierne [The copies], young adult novel, 2010.
Listed as a White Raven of best international Children's and YA literature 2011 by The International Youth Library in Munich
Awarded the Danish Librarian Association's Award for Best Children's and YA Fiction 2011
Awarded the Danish Arts Council's Award for Best Children's and YA Fiction 2011
Published as Les copies (trans. Jean-Baptiste Coursaud), 2015
Published as Dubbelgangers (trans. Maike Lahaise), 2015
- Den sidste henrettelse [The last execution], young adult novel, 2010
Published as The Last Execution (trans. Lindy Falk van Rooyen), 2016
Adapted to a play by B&U-Teatret.
- Tretten tynde teenager [Thirteen thin teenagers], short stories, 2011
Listed as a White Raven of best international Children's and YA literature 2012 by The International Youth Library in Munich
- Tretten tynde teenager & syv små (eventyrlige) skravl [Thirteen thin teenagers and seven small (fairy) tales], short stories and sketches, 2012
- Skolen [The school], young adult novel, 2013
Listed as a White Raven of best international Children's and YA literature 2014 by The International Youth Library in Munich
Published as Uitbraak (trans. Maike Lahaise), 2015
Published as Opfer (trans. Friedrike Buchinger), 2016
- MEN [Just Men], novel, 2014
- Ud med Knud [Boot canute], young adult novel, 2014
Short-listed for the Nordic Council's Award for Best Children's and YA Fiction 2015
Published as Weg mit Knut (trans. Friedrike Buchinger), Germany 2017
Published as Foert met knoert (trans. by Annelies van Hees), Holland, 2017
- ZAM [Zam the Zombie], young adult novel, 2015
Winner of Best Danish Book Design 2016, to be awarded at Royal Danish Library in June 2016
Listed as a White Raven of best international Children's and YA literature 2016 by The International Youth Library in Munich
Short-listed for the Høst Literary Award 2016
- Kommer let, går let [Easy come, easy go], poems, 2015
- Frøen og fluen, illustrated by Lisa Aisato [The frog and the fly], children's book, 2016
- Den hvide kanin og den sorte hat, illustrated by Anna Margrethe Kjærgaard [The white rabbit and the black hat], children's book, 2016
- Diego & Dolly, illustrated by Palle Schmidt, Graphic novel, 2016
- Alamo [Alamo], without drawings, 2016 (see 2005)
- Lillefingeren (The Littlefinger), illustrated by Otto Dickmeiss, book with illustrations, 2017
Listed as a White Raven of best international Children's and YA literature 2017 by The International Youth Library in Munich
- Lynkineser (Squib), illustrated by Rasmus Meisler, book with illustrations, 2017
Short-listed for the Nordic Council's Award for Best Children's and YA Fiction 2018
- Dyrene og tiden (The animals and the Time), illustrated by Ursula Seeberg, book with illustrations, 2017
- En anden gren (San and Ingeborg), novel, 2017
Short-listed for DR Romanprisen 2018
Short-listed for MARTHA-prisen 2018
Won The Golden Laurels
Out in Serbia, Norway, Russia.
- I am Here, essays, 2017
- Alfred og gabestokken, vignetter af John Kenn Mortensen, young adult book, 2018
Awarded the Danish Arts Council's Award for Best Children's and YA Fiction 2018
Listed as a White Raven of best international Children's and YA literature 2019 by The International Youth Library in Munich
Out in Italy. Translated by Eva Valvo.
- Den uægte, illustrated by Palle Schmidt, Graphic Novel, 2018
- Drengen der ville redde julemanden fra at blive skåret i skiver, illustrated by Lasse B. Weinreich (calenderbook), 2018
- Hullet i kloden, illustrated by Mikkel Straarup Møller, 2019
- De tre små kinesere, illustrated by Otto Dickmeiss
- Guldfisken Glimmer, young adult novel, 2019
Won Læringscentrenes Forfatterpris 2020
- Lad os rejse os, young adult short stories, 2020
- Der danser en virus, Coronapoem, 2020
- Zam bider igen, young adult novel, 2020
- Kvinde set fra ryggen [Woman seen from the back], novel, 2021
Out in Norway and Sweden.
Short-listed to Martha-prisen, Plusbogs "Author of the Year", Mofibos Awards, Læsernes Bogpris, The Book of the Year (Sverige)
- Jeppe og Jacob - Graver et hul, illustrated by Mikkel Straarup Møller, 2021
- Jeppe og Jacob - Boksekampen, illustrated by Mikkel Straarup Møller, 2021
- Jeppe og Jacob - Har glemt alt, illustrated by Mikkel Straarup Møller, 2021
- Det år sjæle slår smut, young adult novel, 2022
Short-listed Blixenprisen 2023 - The Years YA.
- Jeppe og Jacob - Vinder en million, illustratede by Mikkel Straarup Møller, 2022
Short-listed Mofibos Awards
- Så lad det være, essays, 2022
- Sådan græder man på scenen, YA, 2022
- Ud af ti mænd, short stories, 2023
- Jeppe og Jacob - Åbner en parkeringsplads, illustratede by Mikkel Straarup Møller, 2023
- Hvem bestemmer noget, pictuerbook, illustrated by Jenny Lucancer, 2023
- Hans Christian, Novel, 2024
Nominated to Martha Prisen 2024
- Edderkoppen, picturebook, illustrated by John Kenn Mortensen, 2024
- H.C. Andersen i billeder, photo depiction, Forlaget Gyldendal, 2024